Results of the Photo competition in the context of the EU Youth Dialogue: “Click for Youth”

Results of the Photo competition in the context of the EU Youth Dialogue: “Click for Youth”

by SDCyprus Team, December 21, 2021

On December 1st, 2021, the judging panel evaluated the photos that participated in the photo competition announced by the Cyprus Youth Council in the framework of the EU Youth Dialogue: “Click for Youth”. The aim of the photo competition was to encourage young people to capture various aspects of democratic … Continue reading

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EU Youth Conference, Slovenia 2021

EU Youth Conference, Slovenia 2021

by SDCyprus Team, October 1, 2021

The 8th Cycle of EU Youth Dialogue ended yesterday, with the 3rd and final EU Youth Conference held online in Maribor, Slovenia, that took place between 26 – 30 September 2021. The conference focused on the EU Youth Goal 9 (Space and Participation for All). It specifically addressed the need … Continue reading

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Photo Competition in the context of the “EU Youth Dialogue” Topic: “Click for YOUth”

Photo Competition in the context of the “EU Youth Dialogue” Topic: “Click for YOUth”

by SDCyprus Team, September 27, 2021

The National Working Group for the “EU Youth Dialogue” is organizing a photo competition under the title: “Click for YOUth”.   The aim of the photo competition is to encourage young people to capture various aspects of democratic participation/active citizenship and to express their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and concerns, in relation to … Continue reading

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Meeting of the super-team of the NWG of Cyprus

Meeting of the super-team of the NWG of Cyprus

by SDCyprus Team, July 28, 2021

 National Working Group for #EUYouthDialogue in Cyprus had a fruitful meeting to: analyze the results of the Qualitative Consultation report regarding the implementation phase of the 8th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue  coordinate for future and more efficient actions based on the results of EU Youth Conference #EUYC held … Continue reading

Filled under : Meetings , News
Let the central survey of the EU Youth Dialogue to #SpeakUp

Let the central survey of the EU Youth Dialogue to #SpeakUp

by SDCyprus Team, March 22, 2021

?Are you a young person aged between 16 to 35 years old? Then this questionnaire is for you! Tell us which kind of public spaces you would need to spend time with each other, discuss political views, meet decision-makers and organise projects that are important to you. We also want … Continue reading

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Consultations for the 8th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue

Consultations for the 8th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue

by SDCyprus Team, February 10, 2021

The qualitative consultations period for the 8th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue has now concluded and the results of the consultations are on the way to the European Steering Group for analysis? ? But what do you know about the Youth Ambassadors of the EU Youth Dialogue?   ? … Continue reading

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“We demand co-decision-making processes on all levels with young people and youth organisations” – EU Youth Conference Berlin

“We demand co-decision-making processes on all levels with young people and youth organisations” – EU Youth Conference Berlin

by SDCyprus Team, October 8, 2020

The kick off of the 8th cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue is a fact, after the EU Youth Conference that took place both in Berlin and online, between 2-5 October. The 8th Cycle of the EU Youth Dialogue is currently running from the 1st of July 2020 to 31st … Continue reading

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